Welcome To MTTF

An international association for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics professionals.

ISO:- 9001:2015

About MTTF

The MathTech Thinking Foundation (MTTF) is registered under Section 8 of the Companies Act 2013, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India. MTTF represents the International Scientific Association of esteemed experts in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). Its membership includes distinguished individuals such as Research and Development Center Heads, Faculty Deans, Department Heads, Professors, Research Scientists, Engineers, Scholars, and University Postgraduate and Undergraduate Engineering and Technology Students, among others. MTTF holds a prominent and influential position in driving progress in STEM fields through a range of initiatives and efforts.

 MTTF takes the initiative to organize Conferences, Workshops, Symposiums, Faculty Development Programs, and training sessions. Additionally, it offers sponsorship or technical support for these events. The association actively encourages regional and international communication and collaboration among its members, fostering professional interaction and lifelong learning. Furthermore, it acknowledges and honors exceptional contributions made by individuals and organizations in the STEM field.

 One of MTTF’s core objectives is to create a welcoming and supportive environment for everyone involved. Benefits of being associated with MTTF include the opportunity to meet and collaborate with fellow STEM professionals, both new acquaintances and familiar faces. MTTF is fully dedicated to building a community based on respect, collegiality, and sensitivity.

Vision of MTTF

MTTF aims to create a welcoming and supportive environment for STEM professionals, fostering research, innovation, communication, and collaborations that have the potential to be sustainable and globally shareable in the long term.

Mission of MTTF

To create ambience in which new ideas, innovation, research will flourish and new leaders for tomorrow emerge.

To collaborate with other organization and research institutes around the world to strength the academics and research ecosystem

To transform education through the activities of the organization like-internships, workshops, hands on practical training, FDPs, seminars, symposium, conferences, publications etc.

To address the problems faced by the nation and world through the talent we nurture and a step forward to secure future.

To recognize the young researcher with their contribution

To provide excellence in mathematics and computation thinking by ensuring the train the future researchers in basic concepts to expertise

Increase innovation thought through the constituently development of new technology applicable to mathematics and computational technologies

To provide a flexible, accommodative and conductive environment for faculty members and research scholars to flourish in teaching and research

To contribute to the societal outreach by inviting people around the world to work in our organization and organize workshops, short-term courses relevant to the contemporary expectations of MTTF


Amplify STEM Excellence: Unleash Your Full Potential

Expand Your Knowledge with Expert-Led STEM Courses at MathTechGuru: Empowered by the MathTech Thinking Foundation (MTTF), Immerse Yourself in Diverse STEM Subjects and Discover the Richness of Linguistics. Enhance Your Academic Foundation and Thrive in the World of STEM Professions. All Levels Welcome!

MathTechEdu (MTE) is established under the aegis of MathTech Thinking Foundation to promote advancements in the field of STEM in a wide range of ways, which is come up with virtual mode, embracing webinars, workshops, training, collaborative events, internships, etc

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By joining MTTF

MTTF serves as a driving force, empowering and amplifying the voice of science and technology. By bringing together STEM professionals and enthusiasts from around the globe, the organization fosters a united community that supports new innovations and promotes science education.

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